
Too Hot for PBS! Tina Fey's Excised Palin Jokes

As noted here yesterday, Tina Fey‘s acceptance of the Mark Twain Award was aired on PBS this weekend. Well, most of it was. As it turns out, a particularly scathing run of jokes about Fey’s impression subject Sarah Palin ended up on the cutting-room floor, though they remain in the full acceptance speech on PBS’s website. In the cut portion, Fey snarks that Palin’s success is a great thing for all women: except those who will have to pay for their own rape kits, or want to marry their female partners, or believe in evolution…

PBS has claimed that it cut the lines not because of politics but because the ceremony ran long. I believe them. In that I believe the ceremony ran long. But as to why an organization, who government funding is already being challenged by Republicans and a bipartisan budget commission, might choose to save that time by cutting an incendiary remark about Palin—well, you don’t have to be The Count to do that math.

The full acceptance speech (with the remarks in question starting around 12:30) appears after the jump:

[vodpod id=Video.4925019&w=425&h=350&]


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-07-05