
These 5 fruits will help you grow and maintain a fuller hair

And according to recent studies, there are natural foods, especially fruits, that can help with the needed nutrition.

However, now that it seems like everyone is riding the natural hair wave, the importance of knowing how to grow a fuller hair, for those who want to, cannot be overemphasized.


Here are five fruits that can help you grow and maintain a fuller hair

The Avocado pear is priceless when it comes to health benefits. And this is due to the abundance of vitamins it contains.

This is why it is believed to be a big help for those looking to grow their hair and keep their tresses full because of the contained vitamin E, which is an essential vitamin that helps in hair growth.

However, Avocado can be used in three ways for the hair:


  • It can be mashed into a paste and used as a hair mask.
  • The oil can be extracted from it and used on the hair.
  • A regular consumption of it can as well.

Bananas are held in high esteem by beauticians when it comes to hair treatment and maintenance. And this due to the fact that it comes with lots of vitamins, like vitamin A, and minerals for hair growth and shines.

The vitamin A is beneficial to hair growth as it serves to increase the production of sebum on the scalp which helps to keep the hair shiny.

Other contents of banana that are good for the hair include pectin, fiber, and magnesium which strengthen the hair and prevent cutting and excessive hair loss.


However, it can be used when mashed and pasted to make a hair mask.

Studies have shown that coconut is one of those few fruits that belong to the same elusive group as the Avocado because of its varied health benefit.

And its usefulness, when it comes to hair treatment is not something that is new. As a matter of fact, it is counted among one of the best hair supplement because of what it contains.

Coconut is known to contain chain fatty acids, also known as lauric acid, which helps to keep up the protein levels in your hair: The oil that is extracted from it is a very rich hair supplement.


The citrus fruits are known for their high vitamin C content. Fruits like grape, blackberry, pineapple, and orange are examples of such fruits.

However, studies have found them to be very beneficial in boosting hair growth.


Unknown to most people, the Apple is another fruit whose importance cannot be overemphasize when it comes to hair growth.

And this is because it contains a large number of antioxidants that help in boosting hair growth.

It also contains vitamins and soluble fibers that add strength to your locks and prevent unnecessary cutting and splitting of the ends.


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-08-01