
Attorney General Loretta Lynch Question Stumps Jeopardy Contestants

June 4, 2015 8:58 PM EDT

The answer was literally staring them in the face.

On a Wednesday episode of Jeopardy, contestants were prompted to identify Attorney General Loretta Lynch. The $600 question even came with a visual clue—an image of America’s newly minted “top cop” was flashed across the screen as host Alex Trebek asked the three contestants to identify her.

Not one hit the buzzer. “The lady’s name is Loretta Lynch,” Trebek said.

Not a bad case for requiring more students to take a basic civics course, is it?

Watch the full clip below.

Read next: Attorney General Loretta Lynch Makes a Big Splash in Her First Month

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Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-08-31