Capybara and a Dog Become Best Friends

June 10, 2016 1:50 PM EDT
Dogs may be man’s best friend, but they just might be this capybara’s best friend, too.
In the latest installment in the ongoing saga of the South American native-turned-Las Vegas resident Joe Joe the Capybara (whose Instagram is a must-follow for all capybara lovers), Joe Joe kicks back with two border collies. The gentle giant guinea pig gets very friendly with one of them, Zoe, as they hang out and nuzzle each other in an explosion of cuteness.
It’s important to note that while they are adorable, capybaras are not ideal pets, and prefer their freedom. That’s why Joe Joe isn’t the only capybara in the news these days. Toronto is currently being plagued by a pair of runaway capybaras who have been missing for weeks after making a break for it while being transferred to a petting zoo on May 24, according to the CBC.
Now one half of the duo—who have earned the name Bonnie and Clyde, of course—was spotted swimming across a lake like he was busting out of Alcatraz. Being the modern age, the capybaras are mocking their hunters on social media.
Perhaps Team Capybara, the name of the volunteer squad hunting for the fugitives in Toronto’s High Park, should hire some dogs for the operation.